About PFC Academy
Our Academy provides outstanding training to talent across age groups with an emphasis on their wholistic learning and development. The training is backed by an ace coaching staff of UEFA and FA certified coaches. The fully residential setting on the Academy campus ensures the support to talent doesn’t end with the day.

OUR focus on wholistic development
Football Technical Coaching
Training by a team of distinguished coaches who have worked in the best football environment and AFC/FIFA Licensed Indian coaches.
Strength & Conditioning
Versatile and age-appropriate program with a combination of core strength, neruo-muscular training and cardiovascular training.
In-house sports nutritionist to design individualized mutrition plan.
Academic Learning
Team of 18 experienced teachers across 3 Boards:
CBSE, PSEB & NIOS. Infrastructure of the highest quality for academic excellence.
Injury Management
Step-by-step rehabilitation in case of any injury. Robust program and modern equipment for prevention & trearment.
Medical Healthcare
In-house medical team with experienced professionals residing at our Academy.
Sports Psychology
Regular intervention by licensed mental health professionals and sports psychologists.
Integrated yoga session in daily program.